every good story needs great surroundings.
we provide access to the best locations for your sho(o)T.
starting in the netherlands, we provide the dutch top 100 eye catchers


Let's be fair; when you go into the jungle what's the most important thing you bring besides a machete? Right, a guide! Someone that knows the environment by heart, brings you to places you are inspired by and gets you home safely.

Finding the right scene for your movie can be a jungle trip as well, figuratively speaking. It's hard to get local expert knowledge to find suitable & appealing places whilst getting decent access. That's where we come in. 

What ?!

We are your guide and keymaster. To churches, castles, (royal) estates, industrial heritages, forts, mills, megalits, nature, and all other things typically Dutch, including Dam Square.

We help you find the best locations based on over 30 years of experience in the movie business. We tailor to your needs. 

Tell us what you want


A short inspiration what we can deliver

The best place for your movie

We are your point of access to all unique places in The Netherlands. Over 40 years of experience gives us the knowledge and the keys to all unique places you might want to use for your movie.

All of Holland in one place

We'll get you in contact with the location manager of that special place you need. No matter if that's a remote island, or a 300 year monastery. Access is just a telephone call away.

Get your movie done quicker!

You save time, money and a lot of trouble letting SCENER arrange everything to your needs. From logistics to financials. We get your movie done quicker.  Get inspired by the  services we offer.

Our services

All information in 1 place

You get what you want: one overview of all possible places. Starting with the area around Amsterdam. 

Access to everything

SCENER knows where to go and what to ask. We've got the keys to the must-see places in The Netherlands

Legal Services

We know that getting the right papers is a complex job. We can provide you with the neccesary tools to get regulations in order.


You want to know how long it takes for sandwiches to arrive for the crew? No problem, we'll get it sorted. We can co-plan your whole visit.

Royal Estates

Being backed by the Ministry gives some privileges. We can open some special curtains for you. Do you know we can get you access to Royal Castles?

Tailor Made

We know how to run a movie business., so we think we know what you want. Still, every odd wish or requirement can be discussed. No problem.

Press Management

You want to promote the fact that you are in town? No problem, we know the best media people to get you some attention. Do you need some privacy? No problem!

Transport on Location

Easy arrangements with local transport companies give you all the moving space you need. Big or small, moving something the Dutch way is never too tall.

Money Saving

In the end, it's all about the money. We are confident our services save time, money and give you a very pleasant way to work and stay; The Dutch way.


We provide you with the best custom ideas, designs, and full services you can find. It's not only about the best service, it's about making a change. That's what we do. Best.

Structured Planning

Not only can we make the best ideas, we can only make them work. With our experience we enable you with the best tools around to start and finish the project. 

Full Service

We provide you with the best custom ideas, designs, and full services you can find. It's not only about the best service, it's about making a change. That's what we do. Best.

Quality Care

We provide you with the best custom ideas, designs, and full services you can find. It's not only about the best service, it's about making a change. That's what we do. Best.

Our packages

eyes & EARS
First selection & shortlist
Save time and Money
All of EYES & EARS plus:
Royal Access
Location Services
Press Control
Time Management
Full monty
All of HANDS TOO plus:
Legal Services
On-site management
Financial facilities
Or anything tailor made


What can we do?

Let scener help your company too

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